Document QR Code generator
Document QR Code are ideal for: brochures, datasheet, product catalogs, guides.
Guide to generate a Document QR Code
1 Type QR Code's title, for example: "My QR Code"
2 Upload your multimedia content, for example: restaurant menu, brochures, datasheet, product catalogs, guides, ...
pdf, doc/x, ppt/x, xls/x
If you want show directly your content (and not an icon to download document), you can open your doc/xls/pdf file, copy the file's content and paste it directly in the editor, or upload an image.
You can upload multiple media
3 Change the text of the template, edit your content: resize, drag, delete, ...
4 Click on "Save" button to
generate QR Code
Files allowed for document: pdf, doc/x, xls/x, ppt/x
If you want show directly your content (and not an icon to download document), you can open your file, copy the file's content and paste it directly in the editor.