Audio QR Code generator

Audio QR Code are ideal for: music demo, language courses, audioguides, teaching, voice notes, audiobook.

How to generate an Audio QR Code? step by step
How to generate an Audio QR Code?
  1. 1 Type QR Code's title, for example: "My QR Code"
  2. 2 Upload your multimedia content, for example: audio (music demo, language courses, audioguides, teaching, voice notes, ...)
    You can upload multiple media
  3. 3 Change the text of the template, edit your content: resize, drag, delete, ...
    To enable audio autoplay, edit the source code ("Source" button in the editor) and add "autoplay" attribute in <audio> tag
    (<audio>[...]</audio> -> <audio autoplay>[...]</audio>)
  4. 4 Click on "Save" button to
    generate QR Code
Files allowed for audio: mp3
Open guide

Use button UPLOAD to upload your content and generate QR Code
Allowed extensions:
Video: mp4, ogv, ogg
Audio: mp3
Image: jpg, png, gif
Document: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx

In the Editor, you can use:
color text
font size
font type
For web designer
HTML code, CSS inline

After you insert your content (video, audio, image, document, rich text, ...), click "Save" to generate the Multimedia QR Code

Insert your content below...
You can optionally choose a template and/or upload your content and/or edit text
Choose template
UPLOAD audio
You can also upload multimedia content: video, image, document
Click  Save  to save/generate QR Code
 Protect QR Code with password 
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By clicking SAVE, you agree to our Data Use Policy.
This website is not responsible for content uploaded by users.
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If your QR Code does not receive views in one year, it might be deleted.
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To edit color, background, add logo, ...
You can open the QR Code with your image editor!
How to generate an Audio QR Code?
  1. Upload your Audio file, for example: audio (music demo, language courses, audioguides, teaching, voice notes, ...)
    You can upload multiple media
  2. Change the text of the template, edit your content: resize, drag, delete, ...
    To enable audio autoplay, edit the source code and add "autoplay" attribute in <audio> tag.
  3. Click on "Save" button to generate QR Code
How to generate an Audio QR Code? step by step